Arduino Light Sensitive Door Bell Now let me start this off by saying I'm sure this has been done before so if anyone has a door bell that looks like mine I apologize. I came up…
Draw and explain memory organisation main memory :- Due to the direct connection with the CPU it is known as a central memory. The main memory holds the data and the Programs that a…
Piano Midi Arduno Leonardo Drop a Parallax Propeller processor onto an Arduno board and what do you get? Meet the ASC board - Arduino Shield Compatible Propeller board – from …
Arduino HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Rover Simple Arduno Rover with HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor. Step 1: YOU will need to build this: HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor Battery holder for 6 AA batteries …
List different turn-on methods of SCR. Ans: Forward voltage triggering dv/dt triggering. Temperature triggering Light/illumination /radiation triggering. Gate triggering
interface 89C51/AVR microcontroller and write the c program to display numbers from 0 to 9 on 7-segment display with specified delay EXP 10 AIM : interface 89C51/AVR microcontroller and write the c program to display numbers from 0 to 9 on 7-segment display with specified delay F…